The distressing story of Brenda, and the fate shared by over 1.2 million children

Imagine the brightest of minds being buried and never shown the light of day just because of money: The distressing story of Brenda, and the fate shared by over 1.2 million children.

Giving a child the best in life is every parent’s dream, and a great part of achieving this is granting them quality education. Obviously, a good school is the necessary tool for cementing a strong foundation for any child.

Sadly, this is one of the biggest challenges for most Kenyan families. Currently, in Kenya, there are approximately 16.4 million people living their lives below the poverty line, including Brenda’s family.

Brenda is a bright, passionate student who dreams of getting the education she deserves, in a school that values her aspirations and nurtures her intelligence. Brenda’s father left her family at a young age, leaving her mother in charge of providing for Brenda and her siblings.

Brenda wants to become a doctor to help her community.
She wants to offer her strong character and will to save other’s lives, dedicating her life to lending a helping hand… 
 If she were to be born somewhere different, we would have probably seen her in a white uniform a few years from now.

Unfortunately, though, she was not that lucky, as it’s the case for a lot more children.

To put the situation into perspective, over 1.2 million Kenyan children aged 6-13 are dropping out of school and have no other choice but to work in factories and labour-intensive jobs to put food on their family’s table.

Only 50% of pupils completing standard 8th grade proceed to secondary school due to lack of school fees or insufficient facilities. This situation is distressing and has long-term consequences, such as teenage pregnancies and millions of intelligent students and future heroes abandoning their dreams and bare-minimum human rights.

Here at JAAS foundation, we believe that a small initiative can create a massive impact.


We work to give children living in poor, third world countries their basic human rights of education, shelter, and access to technology. We fund children’s education such as Brenda to make sure they learn in a healthy, supportive environment.  

JAAS Foundation has covered Brenda’s tuition for a year and will continue to help children like Brenda to have a chance for a better future. 

But we need your help.

With a donation that can seem small to you, it can change a student’s life. Help us help them today, and be a part of making our world a fair and safe place for everyone

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